
Acoustic waves generated by the Shockwave trigger biological effects which lead to faster and long-term healing and regeneration of the tissue. Shockwave therapy (SWT) covers a wide range of indications.

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive administration of high intensity sound waves that is clinically proven and effective to:

  • Reduce pain in tendon and bone tissue
  • Increase blood flow to bone-tendon junctions
  • Regulate cellular inflammation
  • Increase activity of healthy bone and tendon cells

During shockwave treatment, your clinician will use high intensity sound waves and kinetic energy to create localised trauma. This increases blood flow to the area of irritation and discomfort. Increasing blood flow to the area, increases the body’s natural healing, by releasing nitrogen in the blood into the trauma area.

Get in touch to book your session or to discuss in more detail

1 Session: £74.99
3 Sessions: £199.99
6 Sessions: £378.99
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